Top 3 Reasons Why Your Health Can’t Wait

This recently struck me as an important topic when it comes to health.

Many times people will delay something and think that it isn’t really that important so they can come back to it later. You may be in this camp if you have you ever said to yourself:

  • “I’m going to get back on track with my eating come Monday”
  • or “after the holidays I’ll get back to the gym”
  • and finally “I’ll start that when I have the time.”

Reason #1 Why Your Health Can’t Wait

Nobody else cares about your health as much as you do. Sure, other people care about you and they don’t want you to not be well, but really your accountability for yourself matters first. You must love yourself enough to do all that you can to give your body, mind and spirit everything they need to make sure you can function optimally in every way.

Reason #2 Why Your Health Can’t Wait

Damage in the body continues to compound. For each time you negatively impact your health it makes the last negative thing you did worse as well. As these begin to take their toll on the previous you can dig yourself in a hole pretty quickly. Make sure to go cold turkey on a habit before it spirals out of control.

Reason #3 Why Your Health Can’t Wait

You are not getting younger. It is really that simple. Do you plan on living your life full of energy, being able to move the way you want, staying sharp as a tack and always being a little frisky? This is my plan into my 100s and I will do all that I can from now until then to keep on chuggling along.

Next time you begin to delay something for your health stop and ask yourself “why am I denying making myself healthier?” If you can come up with a good reason then fine, but if it is just because you do not want to make the effort then make sure you ask “what are the consequences of not changing my health right now?”

To learn more about this and other health and wellness topics be sure to contact me today for your free consultation or sign up to get your free e-books. Also, check out my podcast if you want to feel great and look good naked over at

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski