The World’s Most Underrated Exercise

Now I won’t argue that the title of this writing is a pretty bold statement, but as we go on it is my purpose to be able to convince you that it is the truth.

Before going into trying to convince you I’m going to let you know what I feel truly is the world’s most underrated exercise. It happens to be walking. Yes. Something that you should be doing every single day, but still is rather overlooked and often times under done as well.

One of the biggest reasons that walking doesn’t get the credibility or hype of other forms of exercise is pretty simple. There is nothing to sell! That is not completely true, so let me clarify. Walking in its truest form has nothing to sell. You don’t need a treadmill (nor do I feel you should be using one), you don’t need special workout clothes, you don’t need a trainer and you could wear shoes, but that is even something that is questionable. Therefore, there is just no big buzz around it because it is just that essential and simple that it should be done by all.

Let’s get back on the shoes topic. Most shoes are terrible. I’ll go into this another time, but barefoot is still my favorite and then some form of minimalist shoe next in which you foot can move freely and you can feel the ground. This allows you to use a more natural gait and causes less impact for those already with aching joints. That is why I still prefer barefoot with feet in the grass, dirt and walking across rocks, logs and leaves. The earth gives off energy so we mine as well pick up a little extra charge when out on that walk. Yes, I said out as well. Spend time in nature. This was one of the coldest winters on record and the dogs and I never missed a walk because we love doing it and know how incredibly beneficial it can be.

Speaking of the dogs brings me to my next point. Walking is a great way to spend quality time with loved ones. It can be done without distractions. This means no phone (take it if you must, just put it on airplane mode), no computer, no e-mail, no texts, NO WORRIES! It is a beautiful time and can be spent chatting or just enjoying the silence. While doing this you are pumping the blood, lymph, joints, muscles, organs, etc. This gives the body a nice refresher and is a very good stressor instead of something too intense, allowing you to recover nicely.

After covering all of that, there is still one more thing. How much? I’ve said it before, but what the heck, let’s say it again. It depends. Sure this is something that can vary a bit, but let’s take a look at our ancestors. It appears that 6km-16km (~2.73-7.27 miles) per day was the average when looking at many different peoples around the world. Mark Sisson also gives a recommendation of about 3-5 hours per week (or more) of light to moderate movement in the form of a hike or walk. I LOVE THIS!

This can be broken down as simply as doing 15 minutes each day during the week and then taking a nice one hour walk each day on the weekend. That is just so simple and really encourage everybody to give it a try. Go ahead and make it a family activity and you will get even more bang for your buck or have a friend that you meet with each day.

Have Fun Walking!

Nick Horowski