The Number One Exercise for Energy Cultivation

There are many forms of exercise out there that can help to build more energy or chi in each of us.

I have found the one that works best for me and am very excited to share it with you. This is a great way to help the body and mind recover, increase energy, boost the immune system as well as focus on proper movement and breathing patterns. The secret exercise is not so secret. I am a huge fan of both tai chi and qigong.

What is Life Force?

Before looking at what these types of exercises are I feel that it is important to first understand what life force is. This is something that can be otherwise known as chi, qi, mana, prana, “The Force” or vitality depending on the culture you come from. All of these represent that which keeps our body, mind and spirits going. It is something that can be cultivated with practice and felt depending on your sensitivity to subtle energies.

Now, you may be asking “why do I need life force?” This is something that I often hear in those that are sick or injured. To me it seems simple from those when they ask it, but I also hear it from athletes and many busy professionals as well. This is where it bears noting that many high level executives and athletes or really anybody who becomes very successful in their daily endeavors has some type of life force cultivation practice. This can certainly come in many different forms.

This list is certainly not complete, but does include many of the most common types:

  • Qigong
  • Tai Chi
  • Yoga
  • Work in exercises
  • Meditation

The Tai Chi Ruler

As I said in the beginning, I am excited to share with you the exercise that I have found to be the best energy cultivator. It is practicing using the tai chi ruler. I use a simple repetitive movement that is synchronized with my breathing. Doing so allows me to focus my mind, body and spirit into one so that I may make the most of my time and energy cultivation practice.

Holding the ruler in between my palms allows the energy to flow through my arms and connect throughout my body. The ruler is unique in that by cultivating energy when using it, it also has the ability to store energy. This is why I carry it with me and can go and practice or just pick it up during the day if I feel that I am slowing down or others are taking energy from me. This is important to any busy professional who does not have much time once they get going for the day.

I feel that the best time of day to practice is first thing morning and last thing before bed. It is also to be completed outside whenever possible. Doing so first thing allows you to gather yourself so that your brain may function optimally throughout the day. When done outside the energy is much higher and you can get more energy cultivated in a shorter period of time.

Check out the short video to see how to start your tai chi ruler practice.

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski