Local Farms in the Winter

Now that we have been getting snow off and on in Pennsylvania many people have stopped their little gardens, no longer go the farm or farmer’s market where they would get their fresh produce and pasture raised meats and now just go to their local grocery store to buy lesser quality food.

Well what the heck is the matter with you? Just because it is cold and snowy doesn’t mean you cannot get the best quality local food available. This is something that is critical to remember as we hunker down from the cold. We still want that comfort food of a nice stew or soup cooking all day and even taking a perfect roasted chicken out of the oven with all of the winter veggies with it.

For me I go to the Easton Farmer’s Market (EFM) every Saturday morning, year round. That’s right they moved inside now for the winter and have great vendors. I love to get my eggs with the most orange yoke you have ever seen, from Breakaway Farms. These are from genuinely healthy animals. They also have a huge variety of frozen meats from amazing pasture raised animals. In the past I have enjoyed a whole pig, cow, lamb and goat from them as well as countless chickens and other cuts of meat. They truly are great with how they are open about how they raise their animals and is it something that I am in alignment with.

Not only can you get these great pastured products from Breakaway at the EFM, but there are other small produce farms there as well. They carry lots of hearty winter veggies as well as some that they can grow in their small green houses. Sure I still get some of my other organic veggies at the grocery store, but still get what I can here. There is also a great place to get mushrooms that they grow year round, Primordia Mushroom Farm. Lots of different varieties to suit your palate. There are also local honey vendors, crafts, prepared foods, bakers and soap makers to name a few.

Finally I have to touch on Reeder Farms. This is where I get my CSA from each year (more on this another time). Throughout the summer I was able to can and freeze lots of veggies that I got from them so I can enjoy the amazing produce they grow throughout the year. If you didn’t get to do this, don’t worry they have done it for you. Naydene and Russ made sure to can plenty of veggies for you to still get as well as have some other winter veggies, eggs and frozen meats available.

What are you waiting for? Go out and take advantage of all of these great local farms that have you and your families’ best health in mind. The taste and energy that these foods will give you are incredible, plus you’ll get to help support the local economy and meet these wonderful farmers that service you.

Have a Great Day!
