Living Your Passion Can Be Hard

I want to take you on a little trip back to my younger days to show you my Passion has not always been something that I recognized.

I have always been interested in health from a young age. This interest was most focused on nutrition and exercise. I loved to read about it, learn about it and live it. I would always want the new healthiest food and always wanted to be bigger, faster and stronger. Other people would ask me about these things even when I was young and I loved to talk about them and still do.

When high school started coming to an end it was time to pick what to study in college (I didn’t know I didn’t have to go). This was so hard because I really had no idea what it was that I should study. I applied to West Point because of this since I thought they could show me what I should be doing. Two tries later and that didn’t work, but I did study physical therapy at Ithaca College. It was similar to what I was interested in, but not something for me to be passionate about. This certainly did not make studying any easier.

BeachPassion-1Upon graduation and starting in the workforce I realized that I could pursue anything I wanted. This is when I was finally able to take my true Passion and set it free. I started reading and studying like a fiend. I got to live the exact life I had always wanted, minus the being a physical therapist full time. I was given the chance to be a Holistic Health Specialist and do what I love in my spare time.

This path to finding what my Passion is really has not been easy, but looking back it was always influencing the decisions that I made. I may not have always made the right one, but in the end was able to follow my heart. I can empathize with those of you that are still trying to find yours as it can be something that is very hard to do. Make sure that you do not give up as doing so may just lead to you living your biggest fear.

Remember that my Passion took me about 23 years to find, but I was really living it all along. Now I just know that it is to live a life that is happy, healthy and balanced and to teach others how to do so as well.

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski