Is Your Health Coach Just a Nutrition Coach

It is hard to go a day in the clinic without a patient telling me that they want to get healthy, lose weight or just flat out feel better and be pain free.

Often times they ask me what else besides physical therapy they can do. I will always try to explain to them about drinking water, sleeping better, getting outside and of course moving. However, they always want to come back to what they can eat. This is always a great topic as it is very important, but is still only one piece of the puzzle.


The reason I am diving into this is that oftentimes when people say they want to get healthy they are really just looking for somebody to tell them what to eat. I can solve that very quickly for you in an amazing quote by Michael Pollan from the Omnivore’s Dilemma: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” There is all you need to hear from a nutrition coach.


Okay, that is not entirely true, but my point here is that we know what to eat and simply having only a nutrition coach is not going to solve the health problem. Health is much more than just what goes into your mouth. Food and water are big parts of it, but if you are not moving and breathing properly, sleeping well and keeping your mind right then you will be in for a rude awakening.


Because of this it is important to take a look at the big picture or holistically for your health. If the only part of your game that you need help on is nutrition, then start with that. Oftentimes however, there is a bit more and you will want to look for that well rounded health coach. Do not kid yourself and feel that you are the only one that really just needs to improve your nutrition and your health will be fine. There are always multiple aspects of our health that need refining and this is all about the balance or yin and yang of life.


Have a true heart to heart with yourself and see what parts of your life could best be helped out by a health coach. They will all have different takes on what health is and so should you. Find that balance and feel your body, mind and spirit transform from where you are now into an amazing being of health. It sure does feel good. Do not get discouraged from thinking that nutrition coaching is not the right avenue. It is part of the holistic picture and will be taken into account. Just do not be fooled into missing out on other parts to achieve the health of your dreams.


Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski