How to Find Your Core Values

The first thing I want you to think about is why are you reading this post?

You must care about your health in some way as this is a health and fitness website. Right off the bat we can start seeing what some of your core values are. Let’s take a look at a few major areas in your life that can really be affected by your core values.

What do you do for a living?

Many people when asked what they do state their profession immediately following. Does anybody ever say that they are a lover. Being a Holistic Health Specialist and physical therapist I could tell people that I am a lover and this is in fact what I do for a living. I show love to each of my clients and patients that walk in the door or speak with me online. This is what I give to my friends and family as well. Your title is just that, a title. What you turn it into and what values you project from it are up to you.

What religious or spiritual affiliation do you subscribe to?

I know that I’m not supposed to talk about sex, religion or politics, but too bad. Another one of my core values is to say what I feel and so here it goes. I believe in God, but haven’t been to church in quite a long time. I feel that God is all around us and we should appreciate all of life and the universe that is bigger than ourselves, but that we are most certainly part of. You may follow a specific religion or spiritual path and I encourage you to not be dogmatic about it, but be happy in your choice. Share that love with those who are accepting of it.

What type of food do you eat?

Paleo, vegan, fruitarian, organic, dairy free, meatatarian, commercially farmed, blood type diet, local,  gluten free, south beach diet, grass fed, atkins diet, breatharian, whole foods, raw food. I think you can see the pattern here. There are many core values when it comes to eating. Each of us will find one that works for us. I know that I want to get the best quality food for myself as I value my health and it may be across a broad spectrum of these, but it is what works for me. What works for you?

What do you study, read, listen to or watch regularly?

These types of things that you surround yourself with regularly can say a lot about your values. If you are always looking at something that has to do with nutrition then you probably value your health. If it is always about relationships then you probably value love, friendship or togetherness. Remember that your surroundings often contribute to making up who you are.

Now you have an idea of some of the questions to ask yourself to really know yourself better and what you stand for. You can come up with three broad core values or 100 little ones, but that you are all truly standing behind. It does not matter, but take hold of the values as they are what make you unique. When you start to lose these you lose a little of yourself and I want to see everybody be whole. I know what it does for me and know that it will help to transform your life as well.

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski