Energizing Exercises Part 1

I hope by now you have started some form of working in as we have been discussing over the last few weeks.

This really is a daily practice that I cannot overemphasize. You must remember that most all of us have some degree of physical aptitude we want to achieve and if not we usually just want to look good naked. However, this is where it is important to remember we do not get stronger, faster, more musculature, better abs, or whatever when we are in the gym, but we get these things when we are resting and recovering outside the gym.

Next we discuss the seven areas that we will be cultivating for energy in our body. I have heard these energy centers called “Zones” by Paul Chek or “Chakras” by many eastern philosophies. It really doesn’t matter what you call them, but more importantly that you recognize their power in being able to give you energy and help heal your body.

Energy Center #1:

Centered at the tailbone and controls from the feet up and allows energy to flow into the following centers. Must start here and build up, just as in a pyramid because this is our root that gives us stability in the form of safety, security and sustenance.

Energy Center #2:

This is now in the lower abdominal region. Think of the paunch belly that many people have. This is in part because they are lacking proper energy flow in this area. It relates with accepting others and sexuality.

Energy Center #3:

Let’s move on to the upper abdominals and our control center for personal power and self-will. Much of our confidence in our self stems from this region, so keep it open as we move to the heart.

Energy Center #4:

It is time to let love in as we move to the chest and shoulders. This is an important area as it connects the upper and lower energy centers. Don’t let a stiff upper back keep you down. I’m talking to all of you that sit at a desk all day. Your entire spine must be flexible, not just parts of it.

Energy Center #5:

Let’s talk about talking or at least communication. That is the focus of the next energy center located in the neck and throat. Is it a stiff neck that you have or something you want to say? Either way we want to make sure it is strong and stable for those hours at the computer screen or setting a deadlift personal record (PR) in the gym.

Energy Center #6:

Often referred to as the mind’s eye, the 6th center is located between the eyes. This is critical for mental clarity, imagination and wisdom. Keeping this open is great if looking for that next big idea or focussing on an important project deadline.

Energy Center #7:

Finally we come to the top of the head or the crown. This energy flow allows us to connect to whatever our spiritual preference or higher purpose may be. Now that we have gone from top to bottom we need to learn how to open these centers up through movement. Next week we will be covering how to address each area with a specific movement. In the meantime I want to take a look at your body and see if there are any areas that might not look the way you want and take notice of any aches, pains or areas that are stiff. These can all be blocking your chance to have the energy you did at 20.

Have a Great Day!

Nick Horowski