How I am Achieving Freedom

As I alluded a few weeks ago it really took me about 25 years to find what my Passion is.

I am still refining it every single day, but it was the first step on my path to really feeling free in life. I no longer just felt lost in what I should be pursuing. Clarity came about for my choices that I made in all aspects of my life and the drive for what I wanted to do just seemed to become effortless.

This path had been paved for my entire life as I was always developing core values, but never really saw them as such. I thought they were just what I did day in and day out. I have now come to understand that by choosing to get plenty of rest, eat high quality food and love to the best of my ability these are all very important values in my life that I would never want to veer from. They play a big part in my being able to follow my Passion.

To me the next step in my getting to achieve freedom came with my creative expressions. I never thought I was creative until I thought about what creativity can be. From my garden, to the food I make and on to the movements I do I am expressing myself creatively. These creative expressions, especially my writing, really feed into my Passion.

Have I achieved the ultimate freedom that I desire? No, but today I am loving where I am at and the freedom I do have. The more I express myself creatively, stand and live by my core values and pursue my passion, the more I will be free. I don’t ever plan on stopping as freedom is one of the feelings that I love most in this world and will never give it up.

Have a Free Day!

Nick Horowski